12 Best Books on How to Make Money Of All Time

So, you are a goal-driven person with a burning desire to succeed, but you don’t know what the best place to start is?

I suggest you first take some time and educate yourself, and there’s no better way of doing so than by reading some of the best books on how to make money. It’s always smart to learn from people who have been in your shoes and succeeded!

However, no matter how great the book is, it cannot teach you all you need to know, as every publication has its positive and negative sides.

Today, I decided to make a list of titles you need to study ASAP in order to get the ball rolling. 

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12 Money Making Books To Read

Below, you’ll find everything from inspirational get-rich books, books on starting businesses, books on how to make money online, books on budgeting and other smart financial practices, and more. Each finance book will help you in different ways, so it’s good to read a wide variety!

How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

The good: We aren’t here to make friends, we’re here to make money, right? Apparently, you can do a bit of both at the same time, as proven by this timeless classic.

Instead of being just another boring financial book, Dale Carnegie found a way to turn this publication into a series of life lessons.

He used numerous famous examples from history in order to showcase why being kind can get you far, thus empowering all readers to embrace a new mindset, focused on giving, instead of receiving.

If you are stuck in your ways, unable to change, give this book a chance, it might provide you with an interesting viewpoint you have never thought about before.

The bad: While there’s nothing bad about being kind, I would have to say that this book takes a slightly simplistic approach to solving personal and business-related problems.

Unfortunately, I would advise you not to embrace every single idea this publication promotes, or the real world will swoop in with harsh reality and bring you to your knees.

Still, it’s a fabulous read for young people searching for their identity, and when it comes to us old hats, hey, we could all use some kind words, am I right?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

The good: Prior to reading this book for the first time, I read through some reviews, which were a mixed bag, to say the least. However, after finishing it, I think that it’s considered a classic for a reason.

It encourages people to aspire to their goals, but also create a realistic strategy on how to obtain them. With the end goal constantly in the back of your mind, your actions are bound to follow, and by always seeking a win-win situation, you will learn how to take lessons from any hardships that are bound to come your way sooner or later.

The bad: Even though I tried to approach this title with a clear mind, I couldn’t help myself from constantly searching for things that I don’t like about it.

Naturally, there are more than a handful of clichés you’ll find on every other page, and the 7 mentioned habits seem rather mundane when you look at them from a critical standpoint. However, despite its flaws, I really did like the book, as it had a lot of neat little tips and tricks I use in business to this day.

Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

The good: Forget the net worth and fancy boats and cars. In order to get wealthy, the first thing you’re going to need is to get your hands on as many assets as possible.

That is what the author Robert Kiyosaki preached some years ago when he wrote this book, and guess what, the situation hasn’t really changed that much. While the financial tips found in this book as basic knowledge, it’s precisely what young people need in order to start developing their ideas in a proper way.

It’s bound to lite a fire under every motivated person looking to make money, I can tell you that much.

The bad: Do not blindly follow all the advice you read. What does that mean? While there are some genuinely good tips to be found here, there is also a fair share of sketchy ones and the fact that the author filed for bankruptcy in 2012. Does not really help his case, does it?

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

The good: You don’t have to be greedy to be successful in business, and that is the point this book illustrates perfectly. Furthermore, you do not need to have millions of initial capital in order to become financially secure.

However, you do have to start somewhere, and this publication is a nice foundation upon which you can build your empire. If you’re smart with your investments, and you know how to save money without blowing it all away, you can get to the top of the mountain eventually. Back to the basics.

The bad: While this book will capture your attention right from the start, and maintain it throughout with a bunch of great lessons, ideas, and anecdotes, I somehow got the feeling that it did not end on a particularly high note. It’s really a shame, as I genuinely did like this publication, but it just left me with a little something to be desired at the end.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street – Burton G. Malkiel

The good: Besides a cool title, this book has a lot of things going for it. It’s a great tool to teach younger or inexperienced people on the small nuances of the stock market, and give an insight on how things actually work when it comes down to it.

The richest man in Babylon is written for ordinary investors, teaching them not to constantly look at what the bigger players are doing, as they need to make their own path.

By looking at bonds and different investment strategies people have been using in the past, it showcases what works and most importantly, what never works.

The bad: As a book intended primarily for beginners, it can be quite challenging and complicated at times. Now, I’m not claiming that you have to be an expert in order to understand it, but some chapters are pretty complicated for most average Joes out there.

It would be a good second or third book, but maybe not necessarily the first one.

The 4-hour Workweek – Timothy Ferriss

The good: So, you want to amass wealth, but you’re an absolute beginner? Prepare yourself to work twice as hard as any person you know, and you might just succeed.

Sounds too rough? DEAL with it. This whole publication is divided into those 4 sections, and I’ll quickly run through them, just so you can get an idea of what I’m talking about.

D – Stands for definition. The main goal of this part is to help people find their purpose and realize that they need to start standing up for themselves. No one else will.

E – Stands for elimination. Mostly time management tips, which can be very useful. Truth be told, there are a bunch of publications focusing on this particular topic, and they do so in more detail.

A – Stands for automation. It teaches the importance of relying on other people, and how that can speed up progress.

L – Stands for liberation. Instead of knowing a lot of things on as many topics as possible, the author preaches to only stick to bare essentials, as doing this will keep you on track, without overbearing you with unnecessary information.

The bad: I found that I did not particularly enjoy the author’s writing style. In my opinion, it’s also slightly outdated at times. As with most “universally applicable” books, it turns out that it’s just not as universal as advertised.

Your Money or Your Life – Vicki Robin

The good: If you are a fan of learning from other peoples’ examples, this is the book for you. Besides offering a plethora of ideas, the author also does a great job of providing examples that back up her claims.

Additionally, if you want to find a good tactic to follow your spending habits, you are in the right place. Besides the obvious, which is teaching you how to save money, the author also focused on the emotional side of things, showing how not to feel like you’re penny-pinching on every corner, but instead investing in a prosperous future.

The bad: You can really sense the “it’s my way or the highway” train of thought that drives the author on several occasions. I am generally not a fan of these types of messages, as there are always more than a few ways to approach the same goal.

To put it short, I don’t truly think that investing in bonds is the right solution 100% of the time. There, I said it.

The Automatic Millionaire – David Bach

The good: The basic principle behind this publication is really simple. If you work for 8 hours, you need to invest in your personal growth.

Tough to argue with that logic. This book is everything a beginner needs to start his journey towards accumulating wealth. Every man is a center of his own universe, so why not take some time and pay yourself first?

By turning the game on its head, you change the rules of the battlefield in your favor. Ultimately, this book is an interesting idea about how to prioritize your spending, presented in plain English that everyone can understand.

The bad: If I can be honest here for a second, this is one of my personal favorites, as I’ve read it a few times, so it’s hard to find the negatives about it. If there’s something to point out, it is that the information given here is more intended for beginners than for those with some knowledge of automation, and well, that’s about it.

In my mind, this is a book that every aspiring entrepreneur needs to read, and not only once!

12 Months to $1 Million – Ryan Moran

The good: If you’re interested in books on how to make money online, this one definitely fits the bill. The goal of this get-rich book is to help you build a 7-figure online business in as little as one year.

12 Months to $1 Million specifically focuses on creating a successful FBA brand on Amazon. Learn how to identify products to sell, how to advertise, how to scale your business over time, and more.

The bad: Like many get-rich books, it’s a little over-promising to expect $1 million in your first year of an online business. The book does spend a lot of time hammering home the point that becoming a six-figure entrepreneur isn’t easy, though. It’s a mix of practical advice and more “fluffy” personal content.

The Greatest Salesman in the World – Og Mandino

The good: You don’t even have to be in sales to appreciate the message this book brings. Heck, it doesn’t even have to be related to work either.

By reading The Greatest Salesman in the World, I can almost guarantee that some of your personal relationships will improve. The book is very well written, as you get a chance to follow the main character, a young boy named Hafid, and his quest to become the greatest salesman in the world.

Just like in life, you can never have all the scrolls at the beginning, but you will definitely acquire a lot of knowledge if you continue to pursue your goals. One thing’s for certain, if you live a life following the scrolls found in this title, you are bound to form good habits which will do you good later in life.

The bad: Some people claim that this book is overly religious, and that has some merit, but the overall message is way bigger than that.

Still, if you are sensitive toward books that appear to be borderline religious, it might be best to skip it altogether.

The Millionaire Fastlane – MJ DeMarco

The good: Instead of focusing on finding the correct formula for success, this book does a great job of busting some age-old myths related to business practice.

More than nothing, it places a lot of emphasis on the errors in your judgment, thus changing your perception forever. With no sugar coating or sweet introductions, it just gets straight to the point.

However, don’t be falsely thinking that it’s criticism only, offering no viable solution at the end. The author will give you a plan and explain just how hard it will be to get there. Spoiler alert, the answer is very!

Still, if you aren’t easily scared, this book is a real eye-opener that you will need in your life.

The bad: It criticizes every existing scheme, and yet, demands a perfect case scenario for their ideal scenario to work.

Now, I’m not saying that in order to discredit it, as there are some gems to be found between the covers, but it’s nowhere near as good at developing a concrete plan of action, as it is in finding holes in your existing one.

Think and Grow Rich

This classic book has been a go-to guide for achieving financial success for decades. It emphasizes the power of positive thinking, goal-setting, and perseverance.

With over 100 million copies sold worldwide, it has become one of the most renowned and influential books in the money-making and personal development genre.

The central theme of the book is that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful influence on our actions and outcomes in life, including our financial success. Hill argues that by changing our mindset and adopting certain attitudes and behaviors, we can achieve financial prosperity and fulfillment.

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